Польша – 2012 – Обзор рынка возобновляемой энергии
Польща – 2012 – Огляд ринку відновлювальної енергії (анг.)
Development of the renewable energy sector is one of the priorities for the Polish government –Directive 2009/28/EC requires that all EU members gradually increase the share of energy from renewable sources in final energy consumption and in the transport sector.
The specific objectives of the Polish energy policy are as following: to increase the share of energy from renewable sources in final energy consumption up to 15.5% in 2020 (19.3% for electricity, 17% for heating and cooling, 10.2% for transportation fuels).
Achieving these objectives requires investments in new generation capacities. Wind energy and biomass utilization are currently the most dynamically developing renewable energy sources. Companies such as Iberdrola, RWE, E.ON, Dong Energy, Gamesa, Acciona, EDP, Martifer Renewables, GDF Suez, Dalkia, Aufwind Schmack, Poldanor, and CEZ are the most active players on the market.
Poland is also gradually becoming an attractive destination for investments in manufacturing of devices used in energy generation. There are estimated to be more than 200 production companies working for the renewable energy sector (Institute for Renewable Energy data).
Sector in numbers
According to the Polish Economic Chamber of Renewable Energy, the share of energy from renewable sources in final energy consumption in 2010 (approx. 756 TWh) amounted to 8%.
For electricity the share of green energy amounted to 7%, for heating and cooling – 12% (mainly energy generated from solid biomass in off-grid installations) and for transportation – 5.5% (mainly first generation biofuels, including bioethanol and biodiesel).
Renewable energy installations (electricity)
Type of installation
Power (MW)
biogas power-stations
biomass power-stations
photovoltaic power-stations
wind power-stations
hydro-electric power-stations
co-fired technology
Source: Energy Regulatory Office (as of 31 December 2011)
Estimated use of economic potential (final energy) in 2020 – real market potential
Source of renewable
Real economic potential
- final energy
Utilization of economic potential in 2020
(real market potential)
600 167,8
533 117,5
solid dry waste
165 930,8
149 337,7
biogas (liquid waste)
123 066,3
72 609,1
wood (forests)
24 451,8
24 451,8
Energy crops
286 718,9
286 718,9
Wind energy
444 647,6
119 913,3
Solar energy:
83 312,2
19 422,2
83 152,9
19 262,9
17 974,4
11 144,2
Source: Możliwości wykorzystania odnawialnych źródeł energii w Polsce do roku 2020 (Possibilities for Using Renewable Energy Sources in Poland until 2020], IEO [Institute for Renewable Energ).
International statistics

The rationale for the development of the renewable energy sector in Poland:
Economic growth and a population of 38 million stimulate demand for energy. Demand for green energy will rise due to energy policy objectives: increasing the share of energy from renewable sources in final energy consumption up to 15.5% by 2020 (19.3% for electricity, 17% for heating and cooling, 10.2% for transportation fuels). Other objectives include: reducing the percentage of municipal biodegradable waste that may be landfilled to 35% by 2020, and building waste-to-energy plants. There are plans to build agricultural biogas plants in each Polish commune by 2020. The natural conditions are also a factor contributing to the development of the renewable energy sector in Poland (favourable wind conditions, a large potential for obtaining biomass and biogas). Investment incentives for renewable energy producers (certificates of origin).
Available forms of support:
The Polish government offers the following forms of support for the production of energy from renewable sources:
Investment incentives for renewable energy producers (certificates of origin). Electricity trading power companies are required by law to purchase energy from renewable sources. Renewable energy producers have priority access to transmission grid. Electricity generated from renewable sources is exempt from excise tax. The grid connection fee for smaller installations (< 5 MW) is reduced by 50%. Such installations are also exempt from the license fee and the annual fee paid by license holders. Investments in clean energy may be co-financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
More information: www.paiz.gov.pl/polish_law/renewable_energy.
Джерело: PAIZ